Automotive and vehicle construction

Social Media for Mercedes-Benz Golf

Apollo18 betreut den Kunden Mercedes-Benz bei seiner digitalen Golf Aktivierung

Digital facelift for golf Golf is boring and old? Not at all! We prove this by providing comprehensive support for the global golf channel of the Mercedes-Benz brand. Since we started with our customer in January 2016, we have enjoyed numerous successes through original measures. With a constant increase in reach and above-average engagement rates, … Read more

Mercedes-Benz After Work Golf Cup Plus

The great problem of our time: no time! Golf is fun, but who still has capacity for six hours of average playing time these days? We have a solution that is also compatible with family and career: the Mercedes-Benz After Work Golf Cup (AWGC). The event has many advantages, such as half the distance, i.e. only 9 … Read more